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Rocky River FC (Midland Youth Soccer)

Rocky River FC (Midland Youth Soccer)


If the fields are OPEN, the event (practices or games) will be on as scheduled. If the fields are CLOSED - NO practices, games or events will be allowed on the fields.

Do not email [email protected] for field status, game status or practice status updates. We will not respond to individual emails since we have the following system in place. We communicate with your coach and they will communicate to you.

Don't forget, just because i t is raining, it doesn't mean practices OR games are canceled. Games and Practices can and will be played in the rain if the fields are open.

Soccer is a sport that will be played in the rain. As much as mom, dad and grand parents do not want to sit in the rain to watch a soccer game, most kids will not care and most will have a blast. Soccer is not automatically canceled due a forecast for rain. Soccer will only be canceled club wide if the fields are closed. The fields drain very well, so it takes a heavy rain for at least four or more hours to close our fields. 

Soccer will not be played in conditions where lightning is present. Fields must be vacated for 30 minutes and play can only resume after 30 minutes passes since the last lightning strike in the general vicinity. If you are asked to clear the field during a game, do not leave the parking lot until the game has been called.

Practices: Soccer practices will typically be left up to your coach to cancel if it is raining and the fields are OPEN. Do not assume that if it is raining at your work or home that it is raining at the fields. Unless you hear from your coach, always assume that practices are on as scheduled. Field closing decisions are normally made by 4:30pm on weekdays and your coach will be notified if they are closed.

Games: Soccer games ARE played in the rain. If the fields are closed, the games will be postponed to a later date or canceled. Do not email [email protected] on game days as the account is not monitored closely on game days.

How will you know if your game has been postponed or canceled?

Micro - With 9:00am starts on Saturdays, we plan to announce by 7:45am if the event for that day has been canceled via league wide email (be sure your account has an email address you have access to on Saturdays). After 8:00am, the decision will be made at the fields. With 6:30pm starts on weekdays, we plan to announce by 4:30pm. We will not cancel events based on the weather forecast. Because parents are very involved in our Micro Program, we do take into consideration mom and dad may have forgotten how much fun it is to play in the rain so the fields do not have to be closed for events to be postponed. If you do not hear from us, please come ready to play.

6U/8U/10U/12U/15U - Games are played in the rain unless the fields are closed. Field closings will be reported to the league typically by 8am on Saturdays DO NOT ASSUME THAT RAIN MEANS NO GAME! You could force your team to lose or forfeit - if the fields are open and a team does not show up with enough players to play and the other team does - the one with the most players WINS! Don't be the parent that causes your son or daughter's team to lose a game.

Middle School & High School Teams - Games are played in the rain unless the fields are closed. Field closings will be reported to the league typically by 8am on Saturdays and Noon on Sundays. Your coach or Team Manager will contact you if the fields are closed.  Field status can be monitored on the League Website at  Fields listed in RED are CLOSED. Fields list in GREEN are OPEN.

Please note: In your team meeting, your coach should have gone over or will go over the team weather policy letting you know how you will be notified if your game or practice is cancelled. If this did not happen, please plan to ask your coach at your next event.

Email Addresses - Some of you registered your son or daughter using your work email address. If you do not get your work emails at home or on your mobile device on the weekends, please give your coach and Team Manager an email address that will work during this time frame. For club wide emails, you will need to add the email address to your account on Please email [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the Weather-Rain policy.


Rocky River FC
2425 Midland Road 
Midland, North Carolina 28107

Phone: 704-268-9628
Email: [email protected]

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